September 8, 2024

September 8, 2024 to September 9, 2024
Event Start Date:
September 8, 2024
Event End Date:
September 9, 2024
Event Venue:
First Presbyterian Church

9:00am– Sunday School classes for all ages
We’ll start the day with a short intergenerational gathering in the Fellowship Hall which will include donuts, coffee and juice. It’s a chance for all of our Sunday School participants; children, youth, and adults to come together and celebrate the upcoming year of classes. Following our gathering, each class will go to their rooms for their regular lesson. 

Adult Sunday School– Rick Kirmis & Linda Reffert will be facilitating our Adult Sunday School with the book & DVD study by Rev. Adam Hamilton, Half Truths. Please sign up at the back table if you would like to be part of the class and receive a copy of the book.

10:30am Worship Begins
All of our Christian Education volunteers will be commissioned during the worship service.